Mindkult – Witch’s Oath

a1013549739_10 It seems to me that the greater vast majority of one man bands out there in the world of metal seem to inhabit the black metal scene more than any other. While I’ve no problem with that, it’s far more interesting to see one man bands in other genres such as doom metal. Introducing once such artist exactly such, Mindkult, with his debut album “Witch’s Oath” that does not disappoint.

I don’t know about you, but from the cover art alone that you can just barely glean a vaguely humanoid figure in it and that gives off an uneasy vibe that really sets the tone for all four tracks off “Witch’s Oath” without doubt. Even the fuzzy mess of the art somehow makes its way into the music as both the overall mixing and sound itself have this somewhat ethereal feel about it that gives “Witch’s Oath” a bit of an ominous presence about it which doom bands can sometimes be known to do. To me, though, a huge factor is the vocals like many other people as they can honestly make or break an album, and I’d be insulting the man behind Mindkult if I didn’t mention how fucking solid the vocals were. They weren’t brutal as you might expect, but they still had a magnificently fluid sound that really allowed these four songs to progress along excellently, and that only increases the appreciation I have for the fact that this is Mindkult’s debut. This album is an insanely unexpected piece that I cannot help but say that I want fucking more and that’s all there is to it simply because “Witch’s Oath” is a beautiful thing of darkness that gained mass and turned into something truly staggering in every sense of the word.

If I were to recommend you a fresh new and fabulously dark doom album that is sure to grasp your entire being into an excellent experience, I’d have no choice but to at least mention “Witch’s Oath”. Mindkult has proven with a mere four tracks alone that he knows exactly what he’s fucking doing and that his special brand of doom metal is nothing to scoff at.

LISTEN to “Witch’s Oath” on Bandcamp here.

LIKE Mindkult on Facebook here.

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