Morgue – Close to Complete Darkness

For some bands, the path forward in their sonic evolution is as clear as could be. Others, though, can go through an odyssey in their own right to deliver come to a sound that they can feel satisfied with and settle into. We’ve seen plenty of bands transition genres altogether to become something completely different from what they started out as. There are plenty of instances of such acts coming together to deliver performances that change our perceptions of what the band in question is capable of. Over the years and after returning from a hiatus, Morgue’s brand transitioned from a grind-leaning sound to now something that can only be described as overwhelming death metal of the purest, most abominable breed.

While there’s been at least a hint of death metal in much of Morgue’s past releases, it was really in the re-recording of 2016’s “Doors of No Return” into 2022’s “Lowest Depths of Misery” that we were able to witness Morgue begin its transition into a primarily death metal creation that sought naught but the blood of any foolish enough to find themselves before such a terrifying creation. A constantly shifting line-up will certainly do that to any band’s sound, but it’s in the arrival of “Close to Complete Darkness” that Morgue really seems to have found its path forward with the results nothing short of excellent by just about every given account. Straightforward but no less than overwhelming and devastating, this is an effort that sees a terrifying beast burst forward into reality with such bloodlust and cruel malice that the very land is set ablaze by the mere presence of such a beast. While they’re more than capable of delivering riffs and rhythms to pull the listener ever deeper into the inferno that they weave into a horrific tapestry, Morgue makes it clear that “Close to Complete Darkness” is no less than a vessel for the ultimate death. Where no light can ever hope to escape and the grip upon your throat is the last thing you’ll ever know in this pathetic plane of existence, Morgue thrives! This is death metal that’s meant to devastate at every turn with no reprieve so the weak are culled especially quick – the “Complete Darkness” comes with all haste!

Where we’ve seen hordes tackle death metal in all of its different forms, there’s something about witnessing Morgue’s transformation into this current iteration feels particularly satisfying. Immensely thick and more than murderous enough to become a true poster child for the whole of the death metal underground, “Close to Complete Darkness” may not be the awe-inspiring revelation that will stand out from all other releases, but the sheer ferocity, raw fury, and impeccable honing-in of such madness that will make this album one that demands investigation for any who consider themselves purveyors of all that death metal has to offer.

“Close to Complete Darkness” releases on May 24th via Godz ov War Productions!

LISTEN to an advanced track from “Close to Complete Darkness” on Bandcamp here, or via YouTube below.

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