Behold! the Monolith – From the Fathomless Deep

Without so much as a second thought, the rise of Bandcamp in the last decade has allowed us to become exposed to some truly next-level material that has truly transformed our conception of what each genre is capable of as well as the bands that are destined to become the greats that we will hail for years to come. Hands down, when it came to uncompromising heaviness and an epic sense that permeated every facet of their creations, Behold! the Monolith was one of those names that always raised the bar during the last decade. It’s been a long seven years since we had last heard from the name, making many of us wonder if there would ever be a follow-up to their 2015 masterwork. Promptly, it’s now that they’ve risen back up to smash any doubts that fools like me may have had with their fourth full-length album the instrument for just such a lesson, and what a wondrous lecture it is!

When you’re dealing with a band that’s as much a staple as what we have here with Behold! the Monolith, there’s always the tiniest bit of trepidation that lurks in the back of one’s head if they look at what has happened to many bands in the past: what if it doesn’t live up to the task? Much like my fruitless worrying about never hearing any new material from this band, I’m more than thrilled to report to all of you that in no way have the years been harsh to this band for it has only further tempered their power to make their newest offering one that is more than worthy of being amongst the illustrious discography that the band has made for themselves. Without a shred of compromisation, “From the Fathomless Deep” is just as mysterious, foreboding, deep, and potent as one might expect with a title like that as Behold! the Monolith truly went to the bottomless depths in order to bring to this work to life in all of its glory as we see the transcendence of those reaches brought to the surface in all of their grandeur and jaw-dropping presence with this band all but the perfect vessel to bring them to life in such exquisite detail. Such sights are all but indescribable for even the best of us, and I would never dare to tarnish their wonders as it simply must be from the talent of Behold! the Monolith that you witness it from in full force. “From the Fathomless Deep” is the creation that we were all hoping for: heavy, rhythmic, dense, and the very definition of what it means to be representative of what the very whole of the style is capable of when you have the best at the helm.

As a name that many of us were thrilled to see in the news again, it almost goes without saying that this album is one of those that are all but destined to be talked about again come the end of the year and one that is to be in the listening habits of many for years to come. The sheer power and talent of Behold! the Monolith has never been anything to underestimate, and it’s with all that they delivered with “From the Fathomless Deep” that we see them retain that title and throne with absolute impunity, leaving nothing to chance nor survivor left unscathed.

“From the Fathomless Deep” releases via Ripple Music on July 15th!

LISTEN to advanced tracks from “From the Fathomless Deep” on Bandcamp here.

LIKE Behold! the Monolith on Facebook here.

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