Exulansis – Sequestered Sympathy

Every now and then we get an album that shakes things up a bit in terms of both formula and overall execution. Black metal tends to be the realm where this happens more often than not, but it’s today that the realm of doom provided me with something quite interesting to say the least. Folk elements aren’t often molded together with the world of doom, and when it’s done right it results in something grandiose – a word that perfectly embodies what Exulansis has done here.

With such a cover art like that, why else should we expect anything else but nothing less than something really interesting? Fortunately, we can very much judge this album by its cover as “Sequestered Sympathy” brings forth loads of elements from not just doom metal and pieces of folk, but also death, black, and sludge metal with even a tinge of chamber music thrown into the concoction to make for something the likes of which we truly don’t get on even rare occasions. It’s likely been since Inter Arma that I can say I haven’t seen a band as eclectic as this, and it’s with one track after another that Exulansis delivers one massive treat after the other. The whole of “Sequestered Sympathy” is split in half between crushing doom that’s just as heavy as is soul-touching of many different sorts, and then where the folk elements really come out to shine as we’re treated to different vocals that add a whole new dynamic to the mix and an acoustic guitar that’s nigh on interesting to sink your teeth into time and again. Exulansis brings it together with surprising efficiency and dominance over their craft to make for an album that’s epic in its own right as many other bands try to accomplish a sound that could come even close to being compared to the likes of “Sequestered Sympathy”, but only on extremely rare occasion do they accomplish such a feat.

It wasn’t before today that I had heard of the name that is Exulansis or the talent that they could bring to the table, but it’s now that I can’t help but implore anyone interested in over-the-top, exemplary doom to keep an eye on this band for they are not one that you’re going to want to skip over whether they release just a single or a bold double album. Right from the get-go, “Sequestered Sympathy” proves to be one hell of an album that promises much to come from this band.

LISTEN to “Sequestered Sympathy” on Bandcamp here.

LIKE Exulansis on Facebook here.

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