Zed – Volume

There are simply some sounds that don’t need tweaking. They’re perfect as is and any sort of tampering would be to taint its excellence. The results truly fall within the capability of the band in question as to whether or not the resulting music kicks as. Should you have to ask that question before listening to Zed then you clearly haven’t been listening to them for the past few years. After becoming a name to know in the world of rock lately, it’s only expected that “Volume” is a fucking excellent party from start to finish, and that’s just the base of what we got here.

The classic and sometimes worn out concept of rocket-fueled rock and roll backed up by riffs and a “can’t stop” attitude is one that literally everyone who’s ever listened to music is familiar with on some level. It’s the dream sound that many have tried to bring to life and it’s what keeps many of us coming back time after time no matter how many iterations they see. And, as you know, there are an absolute fuck ton of tries, but it’s through magnificent past experience and the will to bring it forth that Zed’s “Volume” quickly becomes the monolith for modern rock and roll that many people have been clamoring for even if they never knew it. Each and every track off of this bombastic record shows us that, even though we all knew it, the very spirit of rock has never been stronger and it’s thanks to bands like Zed who embody it all but perfectly through immaculate deliveries and chugging riffs that enable “Volume” to become a record that must always be played as loud as possible for doing otherwise would be considered an insult. There’s no single ounce of power and passion that’s dumped into these ten tracks that isn’t intoxicating to the highest degree as Zed has brought forth their most powerful material to date as well as their most diverse and enrapturing. It’s clear to me just from this one album – not even including Zed’s previous efforts – that this band is one of the greats that the style has in its modern form, and I couldn’t have asked for anything better than “Volume” is all of its magnificence.

With all of its might and grand capacity, Zed has brilliantly captured the dream of rock and roll with this record in every form with no less than immaculate execution the likes of which we only should’ve expected from this band. “Volume” will surely be an album that’s hailed upon its release, and just one listen to it will immediately prove why.

“Volume” releases on July 26th via Ripple Music!

LISTEN to the single, “The Other Kind”, via Bandcamp here or via SoundCloud below.

LIKE Zed on Facebook here.

FOLLOW Zed on Twitter: @ZedisDed

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