Lifelost – Dialogues From Beyond

 The concept of wanting to try out different styles for whatever reason you may have is something that I can really get behind. It’s nice to change things up and see what else you can do because you simply want to or you want to challenge yourself. Change can be good, but sometimes you need time before it can be confidently said it’s done well. Going from an act like Wormed to black metal is quite the shift, but this one-man band makes it work almost instantaneously.

Busting in with a debut album of any kind can be quite the challenge especially going from a fairly renowned technical death band like Wormed to unrelenting black metal, but that didn’t stop the vocalist from Wormed trying his hand with Lifelost. At first, I didn’t really get it simply because I wasn’t paying too much attention to it so the five tracks that make up “Dialogues From Beyond” pass by without much to ride home about. Yet, there were bits and pieces that caught my attention, and upon my second listen of “Dialogues From Beyond” alone I found so much more to enjoy! What Lifelost brings to the table can’t be considered a whole lot different than what many black metal acts do nowadays, but there’s a special, dark magic that Lifelost pulls forth that manages to delve into the abyssal psyche of the listener and sews all sorts of chaos. And the more you listen the more you can hear the maddening intricacies that make “Dialogues From Beyond” such a constantly seething treat that doesn’t know the definition of reprieve as these five tracks do no less than maximum damage to everything in sight. Then by the time you reach the end of this quicky of an album, the excursion has brought up something primeval and dark within that only begs for more excellence that Lifelost executes with masterful strokes time and again.

There are so many different things that are always pouring forth from the underground that slips through the cracks and thus away from the attention of the masses. Should Lifelost become such an act, it would be the very definition of a travesty. This act is already something to be reckoned with, and I’ve no doubt that we’re only to go up following the grandeur that is “Dialogues From Beyond”.

“Dialogues From Beyond” releases on October 28th via Transcending Obscurity Records!

LISTEN to an advanced track from “Dialogues From Beyond” on Bandcamp here.

LIKE Lifelost on Facebook here.

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