Djinn and Miskatonic – Even Gods Must Die

 There are many reputable acts to have come out of Asia in recent years as the continent has an ever-growing metal underground that’s rich in both bands as well as potential. India has been a personal favorite of mine for all of Asia, and it continues to throw bands my way that doesn’t disappoint for a second. I’ve never really seen what India had in the realm of doom, but today I got a taste from one of the country’s best: Djinn and Miskatonic. To say this band is leading the charge for Indian metal would be a criminal understatement.

For my own personal taste, I’m very much a person that likes my doom metal with a good crunch, plenty of riffs, lengthy songs, and maybe even a hint or more of psychedelia to spice it up. Acts like Mindkult and Zaum are two excellent examples, and when it comes to bringing all of those together, Djinn and Miskatonic is a master at molding it all into one, cohesive piece of excellence. Their debut album was a tasteful effort, but it’s their upcoming piece of “Even Gods Must Die” that shows these Indians know exactly what they’re fucking doing. Bringing a stoic six-track album to the table, “Even Gods Must Die” crushes you into dust with its slow pace and a terrific knowledge of how to breathe infallible doom that effortlessly constructs its own world out of mist and shadow to allow us into a unique dimension where this band reigns supreme. “Even Gods Must Die” is driven by tasty riffs and a delicious power that permeates everything from the fucking vocals to the very sound of the drums illicit a brilliant doom metal sound that really manages to hook you into the magnificence even more, and few bands can achieve such a thing. Yet, Djinn and Miskatonic do it with the utmost skill, and it couldn’t have been pulled off more spectacularly.

India has always been a wealth of exceptional metal in my days as a metalhead, and Djinn and Miskatonic is but another grand example that this country needs to be recognized around the world as a force of metal that can’t be stopped. “Even Gods Must Die” is a fucking magnificent album that’s a more than satisfying way to start off 2018 in no less than grandiose fashion!

“Even Gods Must Die” releases on January 10th via Transcending Obscurity India!

LISTEN to advanced tracks from “Even Gods Must Die” on Bandcamp here.

LIKE Djinn and Miskatonic on Facebook here.

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