Februus – Surveillance Orgy

It’s no secret that we’re living in a time where the progressive reaches of any given sound throughout the vast expanse of metal have gotten to the point where it’s simply inescapable. Sometimes, it can seem so cluttered and oftentimes chaotic that it certainly pays to pull back and take note of the beast that we have before us. Truly, the grandeur and magnitude of it all can be lost on us with there being all sorts of acts keeping it all going in magnificent perpetuity. While the big names are certainly what keep us coming back, the newer acts are what hold everything up. Acts like Februus are why we have this wonderfully insane conglomerate that we have today.

Having but a single demo and two-track EP to call your own is not much to boast about if you want to consider yourself an up-and-coming name by any extent, but that’s precisely the foundation that Februus used as a tremendous launching pad for its first full-length album, “Surveillance Orgy”, that I don’t think even a true prophet could have seen coming. I know not what occurred within those two previous pieces, but it’s clear that they allowed Februus to grow into the beast that we’re able to bear witness to today so I’m incredibly grateful for whatever they achieved. The sole mastermind behind Februus has been part of a handful of other solo acts peppered throughout the underground, but I’m willing to go out on a hunch and say that “Surveillance Orgy” is the man’s most complete creation to date by a long shot. Five tracks sprawling across over forty minutes, this is an album that immediately shows us the kind of overwhelming force that Februus is at practically every given turn. A tremendously progressive piece that’s more than capable of bringing forth loads of devastation to immense effect, “Surveillance Orgy” is an absolute fury of death metal that is utterly psychotic for all that it dares to become in its unpredictable songwriting that offers little to no reprieve from one song to the next. Each offering has something semblance of splendor that’s quickly crushed by the simply overwhelming weight of Februus’s devastating power that ensures the record is far more than an effort to sound flashier than what the act is capable of delivering. Rather, “Surveillance Orgy” is a tour de force of insanity. No one is left unmarked by the intensity of the creation nor is Februus seeking any sort of cathartic release. There is only the pain and screams that make up this devastating performance.

If this is what Februus is able to deliver practically out of the gate, then I’m shaking in my very boots fathoming what can be done with the mere gift of time. The nearly-schizophrenic nature of “Surveillance Orgy” does wonders to bring the record to life in exquisite detail with every given moment of this surgically invasive creation something that’s surely not to easily leave your consciousness for some time.

“Surveillance Orgy” releases on July 19th via Transcending Obscurity Records!

LISTEN to advanced tracks from “Surveillance Orgy” on Bandcamp here.

LIKE Februus on Facebook here.

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