Horseburner – The Thief

There are many ways to make an intriguing record that grips the viewer whether it be through heaviness, riffage, grand psychedelia, or magnificent songs with so many different levels to them that a single listen would be a complete disservice to their excellence. So many have tried to bring all of them together into one smashing album, but it’s very rare that they succeed. It’s with their sophomore full-length album that Horseburner shows us exactly how it’s done.

It’s only through a true talent and immense grace that a band can create a listen like this that feels so fluid as everything comes together so seamlessly with every individual part flows right into the next like water with no trouble from Horseburner bringing quality in every second of this album. Every time I listen to this record it feels as though I’m listening to Pink Floyd with a fresh take and modern approach that adds a whole new level of intrigue to the mix with “The Thief” being a record that’s destined to become a classic all it’s own. Horseburner constantly impresses in each track with tasteful psychedelia that knows just where to hit as they simultaneously deliver riffs that are just as dazzling in their satisfaction while paired with a heaviness that’s never once too overbearing nor leaving you feel as though there could’ve been more. “The Thief” doesn’t have a single piece of negative space to works against the grand design that Horseburner has so delicately put together with these nine compelling tracks, and it’s with each successive listen that it becomes clear to me that this record is one that demands to be heard by all fans of the genre new or old.

There are many times that I’ve heard an album and said that it needs to be heard, and this is one of those albums where I mean that to the highest degree. Horseburner has put on a truly magnificent spell-binding performance with this record that I can almost guarantee anyone who hears it will be astounded just like I have as “The Thief” steals their hearts.

“The Thief” releases on August 9th via Ripple Music!

LISTEN to advanced tracks from “The Thief” on Bandcamp here.

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FOLLOW Horseburner on Twitter: @Horseburner

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