Silent Island – Fall of Oceans

 Every now and then, I get the itch to seek out albums that are simply different than what I’ve been listening to recently just for the sake of variety and to simply hear something different. It’s also rewarding to come back across a record that I heard months ago, said “I’ll come back to that”, never follow up on, then rediscover and have my mind blown twice by the same piece. All of that is what happened with the latest Silent Island album for me tonight and not many post-rock bands have been able to do that for me.

The last time I listened to a post-rock album of any kind that really struck me immediately as something genuinely entertaining was Kauan’s latest offering, “Kaiho”, so I’ve been in somewhat of a drought for quality post-rock for damn near a year at this point, and I’ve been itching for more. Luckily, the name of Silent Island and “Fall of Oceans”, as well as that stellar cover art, where things I become familiar with well before the album’s release, but I sadly haven’t gotten around to giving the excellence that is this record the review treatment it deserves in all of its glory. Any fan of post-rock can find something to love out of “Fall of Oceans” whether it be the glorious atmosphere of many colors that Silent Island takes us through, the wordless epic that each track adds a beautiful new chapter to this tome of absolute majesty, or the small inclusion of prog, shoegaze, and even a tinge of math rock elements to bring even more of a special kick to an already potent mix. There’s no stone left unturned, no sea left unsailed, and no land left unexplored with Silent Island at the helm of this awesome ship as “Fall of Oceans” gives to us a special side of post-rock that we all know has been there as long as the style itself has been a thing but it’s something that we simply don’t get often.

The name of Silent Island is something that I know isn’t new for many post-rock fans, but for anyone like me, this record is a treat the likes of which we cannot appreciate enough in all of its grandeur. With immaculate instrumentation being just the tip of the iceberg, there’s nothing excellent that “Fall of Oceans” can’t do!

LISTEN to “Fall of Oceans” on Bandcamp here.

LIKE Silent Island on Facebook here.

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