Dissector – Grey Anguish

DISSECTOR_front This new album from the tiny, tiny Russian band Dissector is literally like seeing the treasure amongst the junk. “Grey Anguish” is a death/thrash metal piece that is definitely worth listening to because it’s got all that you want from that kind of metal other than the face that is doesn’t have a voice so deep it would cause scorpions to explode. But other than that, Dissector has pretty much hit the nail right on the head with this album because it has an amazing sound to it that I really enjoyed simply because it was done very well and the rhythm only does justice for each and every song. Even the cover art for “Grey Anguish” shows how different this album is in just about every way to the point that I can say with certainty that many people out there can enjoy this under-appreciated band as I have.


LISTEN to the track, “Even Me”, off of the album via SoundCloud here.

LIKE Dissector on Facebook here.

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